Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Stalker - First Draft

Opening Scene

The main character, Jason, is getting ready for work. At various points, such as while brushing his teeth, we can view a very plain gray car out the window. When he leaves the house, we can see the car as well. Jason then walks to work, and as he walks into the office, the car is there again.

Jason goes to his desk, logs in to his computer, and reads his email, including this one from his boss:

"Jason, we need to discuss why you have missed another deadline. You seem very distracted lately, and I'm concerned about it's effect on your performance. Please come to my office once you get in this morning. Bill"

Jason then goes to the window to see the car still sitting there before walking to the bosses office.

Bill: Jason, good to see you. How's the Jaguar account going?

Jason: I should have it ready by the end of the week.

Bill: Look, Jason, this is the third deadline you've missed. Each time it gets harder to make an excuse. And you seem very distracted lately. What are you looking at?

Jason has started looking out the window. The gray car is still there.

Jason: That car has been following me.

Bill: I know the feeling. Those little box cars are everywhere. [At this point, 3 similar cars all pass by the window]. Are you worried people will no longer buy luxury cars? We've survived market changes before. As long as you can start delivering on time.

Jason: No, it's that one car there. I think someone is out to get me.

Bill: Look, I'm worried about you. Give what you've got on the Jaguar account to Tom, and I want you to take the rest of the week off. You need to take some time to make sure you still want this job.

Jason: OK. I'll do that.

Jason then walks out, goes to his desk, and types something out, while stopping twice to check if the car is still there.

Jason: [During typing] Good luck with this project, Tom.

Jason then pulls out his cell phone, and makes a call.

Jason: Hey Tina, lets do lunch. [unheard reply] Yeah, I've got plenty of time, I'll tell you all about it over lunch. [unheard reply, then hanging up the phone.]

Jason walks out of the office, and starts heading for lunch. The gray car follows behind, and every time Jason stops to look, the car stops and there appears there's no one in the car.

Jason arrives at the restaurant, and greets Tina with a hesitant hug.

Tina: So how come you suddenly has time for lunch? I was starting to think you did not want to see me anymore.

Jason: I've been so distracted by that stupid Kia following me that I can't even do my job any more. My boss placed me on leave for the rest of the week.

Tina: I can't believe you think is personal. Just because you see those cars everywhere does not mean it's something personal.

[At this point, 3 similar cars go past to prove Tina's point.]

Jason: You don't understand, it was literally following me down the street.

Tina: Look, we've talked about this before, and I have to stop you right here. If you don't go get help with this problem, I don't think we can date any more. [Tina starts to tear up.] I care about you, but I can't go on like this. Call me after you see a psychiatrist.

Tina gets up to leave. Jason gets up, leaves money for the check, and dejectedly walks home. The gray car follows him at the same pace.

Jason walks in the house, and slams the door. The phone rings.

Jason: Hello. [unheard reply] No, I gave Tom everything I had so far. [unheard angry reply] I see. [pause] No, just send my last check by direct deposit. [hangs up during an angry reply].

Jason looks out the window. The car is there as usual.

Jason: OK car, what's the story? I've lost my girlfriend and my job because of you. What do you want?

At this point, Betty pops up to be visible in the car, sees Jason looking, and hides again.

Jason: [visibly upset] What the hell? I knew it.

Jason runs out, and pounds on the car windows.

Jason: Get out here. What do you want?

Betty meekly gets out of the car, and faces Jason with her head down.

Jason: What are you doing? What do you want?

Betty: [looking up slowly] Will you go out with me?

Jason: What? Is that why you've been following me? [Betty gently nods] Oh, what the hell, I have nothing better to do. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. If I go out with you, will you stop following me. [Betty gently nods again.] OK, meet me at the coffee house at the corner at 6. And do something about your hair, I don't want to be seen in public with you looking like that.

Jason storms back in the house. Betty looks excited as she drives off.

Fade out, and transition to Jason sitting at the coffee house.

Betty walks in all dolled up, looking gorgeous, but still acting shy.

Betty: Hi.

Jason: Wow, you cleaned up well. Have a seat.

Betty: Thanks.

Jason: You look familiar. Have I seen you before?

Betty: I saw you at Tina's birthday party. You looked so good, but I didn't know what to say to you.

Jason: Wait, you were that creepy girl standing in the corner?

Betty: That's not very nice.

Jason: Well, you didn't look like you do now. You lost a lot of weight.

Betty: So you only like me now because I look better.

Jason: Well, yeah, you look great now.

Betty: I don't think I like you any more. [Gets up to leave]

Jason: Wait.

Betty: [walks out by the gray car] And I don't think I like this car anymore. TAXI!

Jason: Oh no, now what?

Fade to next scene.

Betty is walking down the street, still looking great. The gray car is now following her, and we can see Jason behind the wheel. Betty turns to look, and Jason stops the car and ducks. Betty shakes her head, and walks on. She approaches an un-named man, gives him a big hug, and they walk on, hand in hand, while the car continues to follow. Cue final music and credits.

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